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RDO Equipment Co. Corporate Disclosure in Compliance with SB 657 (California Transparency in Supply Chains Act)

On January 1, 2012, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657) went into effect. This law requires retailers and manufacturers above a certain size that conduct business in California to disclose measures used to track possible slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains. This disclosure is aimed at providing information to our consumers, allowing them to make better informed choices about the products they buy and the companies they support.


RDO Equipment Co. strives to create supplier relationships with partner businesses that operate at a high level of ethical standards. The company’s standards require suppliers to refrain from the direct or indirect use of forced labor or any forms of human trafficking and to verify/certify that their supply chains address these issues.

In order to support this goal, the company expects that their vendors comply with the laws, rules, regulations, and policies of the countries and locations in which they operate. They are expected to be familiar with the business practices of their suppliers and subcontractors and ensure they operate according to this code of conduct. As a reseller/distributor of products, RDO Equipment Co. is making a collaborative effort with direct suppliers to ensure that they comply with the laws on human trafficking and slavery. These expectations apply to all businesses that provide products or services for RDO Equipment Co. as a condition of doing business with the company.


RDO Equipment Co. expects suppliers to disclose all facilities producing direct import, private label or non-branded merchandise.


Suppliers agree to comply and certify that materials incorporated into their products comply with laws on slavery and human trafficking.

Internal Accountability

RDO Equipment Co. requires all employees to comply with our Core Values. Suppliers, contractors, and service providers are also expected to act ethically. All violations of policy are investigated and appropriate action will be taken.


RDO Equipment Co. believes in building a socially and environmentally responsible supply chain and that training is a fundamental method to fully integrate labor compliance and social responsibility into all purchasing decisions.

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