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John Deere Lawn Mowers in Action and RDO Team Help in Rapid City, South Dakota

John Deere Lawn Mowers in Action and RDO Team Help in Rapid City, South Dakota

13 Jul 2020

When the RDO Equipment Co. team put its John Deere lawn mowers in action to help out the Rapid City, South Dakota Parks & Recreation department, there was one big question: could the mowers handle this tall, thick grass that hadn’t yet been mowed this season?

With COVID-19 affecting the department’s ability to hire enough seasonal maintenance workers, the Mountain View – Mt. Calvary cemeteries were in need of basic maintenance. The RDO Equipment Co. team stepped in to help, donating their time and equipment including a John Deere zero turn mower, stand-up ZTR mower, and a front area mower. Watch to find out how these lawn mowers handled the thick, tall grass that hadn’t yet been mowed.


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